28th Annual AISNE High School Students of Color Conference Wrap Up

What did I do on April 17th and 18th, you might ask?

I went to the 28th Annual AISNE High School Students of Color Conference hosted by Lawerence Academy over Zoom! This conference was with many private schools around the area like Pingree, LCA, Dana Hall, you know all of our rivals. Just kidding! At the conference, we discussed the areas our private schools often fall short and different ways to evolve them, specifically focusing on race and gender equality.

Throughout the weekend, we listened to many awesome keynote speakers, and I got to talk to some pretty cool students in different breakout rooms. Students also attended workshops and games in order to build different connections throughout the conference. For example, there was a meditation session, Marvel Kahoots, a book club for the renowned author, Nic Stone, an environmentalism workshop, a women of color workshop, and many others. 

At this conference, I made some cool friends and gained some new knowledge I am bringing back to Bancroft to better our school. From SDLC to the AISNE High School Students of Color Conference, I truly am grateful I get the opportunities to go to these types of events and would likewise encourage many other students to go. Even if you’re not a BIPOC, these conferences are so incredibly powerful. We cannot create the change we need to in Bancroft School if only a couple of us are willing to take the steps to actually do so. I am willing to make the change and I know many others are, too. Now come along and join me in taking these opportunities to meet new friends and connect with people you normally wouldn’t through these conferences to better our school.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash